Thursday, November 30, 2017

Identifying Basic Instructions 3/17/17

Identifying basic instructions is something that our generation needs to work on. That's all I have to say.

Crushing on a Sixth-Grader 3/17/17

Yes, I'll admit it. I have a crush on a sixth-grader. Okay, yeah, I don't know why. I just think he's funny and nice-ish. (Aviva's note: snort)
The problem is that Andrew, Aviva, Jenna, and he keep shipping me with another kid (Future Me Note: That would be Number 2).
I want him to know, but I'm scared to see how he will react. I bet he likes Jayna. One day he told me that I looked short. He's like, one inch taller than me. So, thank you.
I'm not going to write down his name in case anyone reads this, but if anyone does, it should be pretty obvious.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Sixth-Graders: as of today 3/17/17

Sixth-graders are crazy. Okay, I know I was in sixth grade last year, but I was crazy last year (and according to Minha, I still am). Sixth-graders are not crazy the same way some seventh-graders  (myself included) are. Sixth-graders are absolutely crazy. As in crazy by putting on thirty pounds of make-up on their faces every morning. I am mortified. My little group of seventh-grade friends and I are weird-crazy. As in being embarrassingly loud.
See the difference?
Some sixth-graders are okay, though, like Aviva. Aviva is one of my closest friends. Some sixth-graders are nice-ish and funny. This is a perfect transition to our next topic. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Being Weird 3/17/17

I once had a conversation like this:
Minha: "You're so weird."
Me: "I know, and you know what? You're not weird, and that is weirder than being weird."
Minha: "You're crazy."
That's all I have to say about being weird.